We're always looking for members of the community to help out, any help is appreciated! Host an event, help with hall set up, bring some creative ideas. Committee meetings are held at 7pm, on the 2nd Thursday of each month
Come to our events; whether it be creativity or supportive - all welcome!
Meet the team
Kirsten Park
Vice Chairperson
Carrie Bennett
Stevie Morriss
Ross Thomson-Chandler
Carrie Bennett & Kirsten Park
Bar & Events
Shirley Cameron
Anne Robertson
Samantha Patterson
Fiona Ross
Website, social media, creative
Kirsten Park & Samantha Paterson
Fundraising & Development
All / vacancies
Your village hall is an integral part of our community and requires ongoing maintenance.
Hall hire revenues and our bar go a long way to helping with this but we are always looking for ways to fundraise
Why should we support our hall?
Our hall belongs to our community, however without support from regular classes, bar opening, events - both private and in the bar, we could be in a position where the bills can't be made. If that comes to pass then we could end up with our hall being taken over by the council or sold.
Our hall is a hub of activity for all ages and we need to ensure its longevity.
Thank you to ....